Hello readers,
Today we are going to talk about some of the items that I have accessioned into our system recently. Unfortunately, most of it appears to be junk, and for good reason. People found all of these items in the bottom of the dumbwaiter shaft during the renovation of Hotel Pattee in the mid ninetees! If you look at the pictures below, you may understand why I think a lot of this appears to be junk. There are things such as a smashed up pumpkin Halloween decoration, blocks of wood, lids to various cans and even a ball of twine. Some of the objects even look nasty. For instance, one bottle has what looks like some tar along the inside. Another bottle has a small amount of orange liquid, probably just some rusty water or something. In case you are worried, both bottles are sealed and neither of them were dangerous. They just look disgusting. However, the renovators also found some interesting items in the bottom of that dumb waiter. There is a gavel from the International Rotary club, which is of some interest to us as it is a piece of Rotary Club history. The renovators also found two keys in the bottom of the shaft. These keys are very interesting: they have no labels, and are unmarked, so I have no idea what doors they open. Maybe they open some secret rooms in the Hotel! Most likely, however, they belong to doors that no longer exist due to the renovation. Two final remarks about these items. First, if you seem anything in the pictures that you think has value, please let me know! Many of these items are a mystery, so I would greatly appreciate any help identifying them and their value. Finally, and perhaps the biggest mystery of all, is how these items got to the bottom of a dumbwaiter shaft in the first place. Who was putting these things into a dumbwaiter? I am fairly certain knobs for drawers and other things should not go into a dumb waiter, but I could be wrong. Since it has been awhile since the Hotel renovation, we may never know the answer.
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Happy Halloween, readers! I hope that you all have bought candy and are ready for the wave of trick or treaters that will be swarming the streets in the coming nights. I also hope that you are ready to see some particularly spooky costumes, or that you have one yourself. If not, do not fret, because today I have some costumes ideas for you that come straight from our collection! First up in our slide show is the budget devil costume from about 1997. As you can see, this child has mastered the art of wearing a trash bag for a cape. Notice how black the black of this trash bag is, it will help the child fit in perfectly with the black of the night. In addition, we have the wonderful paper plate mask. The child has painted it with bugged-out eyes, a terrifying grin and awful horns. It is essential to bring out the horror of this costume. Of course, the piece that brings together the whole outfit is the pitchfork. In the end, this budget costume would probably cost less than $10, perfect for the frugal costume seeker. Next up on our slide show of costumes is a group of children from 1966, with the two in the middle wearing some fashionable costumes. On the left is the classic Skeleton, from the famous designer “The Human Body”. As you can see, this child has brought forth the terror of a living skeleton by having the bones sewed onto the front of his clothes. What makes his costume unique, however, is that instead of going for the classic all-black background, he has opted for a mixture of blue and black. He also appears to have some kind of hat on his skull, which unfortunately lowers the scare value of his costume. Beside him is a much different kind of costume. Instead of going all out, this child has opted for a minimalist design. The mask, who I can only assume is George Jetson, is the only part of the costume that depicts someone other than the child. It is crude, but it is effective. Both types of costumes would be good for someone who is looking to put a costume together last minute. The final slide in our slide show shows two kids from about 1942. These kids have gone all out for their costumes: the child on the left appears to be a Romani woman, and the child on the right appears to be a witch. Both of these costumes, as you can see, had much consideration put into them. They are not budget costumes, or minimalist costumes. However, these costumes are both classic examples of “non-scary” costumes that seem to be common during Halloween. Halloween is meant to be scary, people. So if you must settle for a non-scary costume, make sure that it is as good as can be. Now you all should have some ideas for Halloween costumes! As you can see, nothing much has really changed in the kinds of costumes that people wear since 1942. However, even though all these photos are children ready for trick or treating, remember that you are never too old to have a costume for Halloween! |
March 2020